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Finding support for your breastfeeding journey

Mothers own milk is the gold standard for babies so we strive to ensure that mothers are well supported in their breastfeeding journey. Please start with Midwife, Well Child Provider, DHB or GP as they maybe able to refer you to local support groups or Lactation consultant.


Below is a list of links that may be helpful with your breastfeeding journey if challenges do arise. We at Mother's Milk do not endorse any particular people or sites, these are just a few that we have found useful as mothers.

Lactation Consultants

Lactation consultants specialise in breastfeeding and can be part of the DHB or private. For a DHB employed lactation consultant please contact your DHB or your Midwife can refer you.

New Zealand's Lactation Consultant Association


Here is a link for video conferencing a lactation consultant.

The Milk Meg

The Milk Meg is Meg Nagle a sunshine coast based lactation consultant, mother and author. 

Peer to Peer support

Peer to peer support is often more accessible and a great way to meet other families who have been in similar situations. For when it comes to breastfeeding there is no 'normal'. Sharing a story in a supportive group or one on one with a trainer peer supporter can be great way to not feel alone.


Some health services such as Tui Ora in Taranaki run peer Breastfeeding support.

La Leche League

La Leche league is a well established international peer support group with information sheets you to read and use social media and webinars for contact or face to face meetings. They have a great safe sleep checklist.

Websites, facebook & blogs

Websites, facebook and blogs can be a great source of information and reassurance especially at 3 am in the morning when no one else is around. The list below is only a small example of good well researched sites. 


Kellymom is a Canadian website with many different breastfeeding topics from medications, ages and stages and general troubleshooting ideas. 

BreastfedNZ app

BreastfedNZ is app for smartphones developed in the Midlands region. This app has up to date advice on positioning and development to expect as your baby ages.

There is also a list of support services in the Midlands region to access if you live there. 

Breastfeeding support

Breastfeeding support is an international page with loads of different information links for a large range of breastfeeding topics.

The Global breastfeeding collective

The Global breastfeeding collective is about support for breastfeeding on a global scale and what can be done to drive for support locally.


Jack Newman is a Canadian doctor with a passion for breastfeeding. He has teamed up with other passionate people to produce this website. There are informative videos on what effective breastfeeding looks like including information on domperidone, increasing supply and alternative feeding methods etc. There are also great information sheets that can be printed out and a YouTube link on how to insert a lactation aid for breastfeeding a baby.

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